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There will be a new group starting next month.

Happy Hour Intro Group

FitDVM will be starting a FREE 30 day intro group on November 14th. Self-care has made a huge difference in my life and I want to pay it forward. The purpose of the group is to provide you with tools that will allow you to make lifestyle changes so that you can experience more success and fulfillment in your life.

You will be guided step-by-step on how to carve out “me” time (your “Happy Hour”) every day. This will include different areas of focus:

  • Mindset
  • Time management
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Additional aspects of overall wellbeing

Participation will also involve small daily exercises and daily interaction in a private Facebook group. This will, in turn, allow you to be your best self in every aspect of your life. The group will have a Zoom (video conference) call once weekly for a total of 4 weeks.

As a participant, you must have an open mind and be willing to do something that perhaps you may not have done before. At the end of the month, you will be asked to provide feedback on your experience.

Participants need to remain engaged, actively participating in the group and complete the exercises. There will be accountability and support throughout this process (including working one-on-one with me as your coach) so that by the end of the 30 days, you will feel empowered and be on the right track to a happier, healthier you!

If you are ready to take 100% responsibility for your life, complete the form below to be considered for participation in this intro group. There will be a limit of 10 people for the group. Those chosen as participants will be contacted on November 12th.



"Scrolling on Facebook, Dr. Laura’s page came across my feed. I was intrigued, a fit vet? How does she have time? I figured she had no kids, worked part time and spent all her free time in the gym. However, upon reading her bio I realized that she had kids—4 of them! Owned her own practice-she had to be busy! I thought that if she could do this—maybe I could too. I was desperate to lose my now toddler weight. I had just been getting by with what was a mediocre life-just trying to get through the days. I was always busy but didn’t really get much done. I thought I ate okay, but after a long exhausting day at work, eating out seemed like a good option to feed kids and myself before we rushed off to some practice or another. I enjoyed working out, however again at the end of a long day I would usually be too tired to workout. At lunch to get me through the day I would grab a diet coke and something sweet-cookies, candy bar or other high calorie snack. I felt tired all the time. My baby turned 2 and I realized I hadn’t lost a pound of baby weight. I figured things would get easier in a few years and I would have more time to workout, more time to make dinner and more quality time with my family. I was at the end of my rope-I was tired of being tired, I didn’t think I mentally could live like this for another few years in hopes that things “might” get better. I joined Dr. Laura’s Happy Hour group and it totally re-vamped my life. Dr. Laura gave me tools to figure out how to get a workout in, meal prep so I was prepared for those busy days and the mental support I needed to change. I now get up early in the morning to workout-which may seem like it would make you more tired but it gave me more energy throughout the day. Plus, I had the satisfaction that if my day got busy or was especially tiring I didn’t have to workout later. I started listening to an audio book that Dr. Laura sent to me-I enjoyed it so much and got so much from it that I now listen to self help audio books in the car most of the time. Whenever I have a weak moment, I listen to them and it provides the motivation to keep on track—especially around lunch time! I realized I had to replace one habit (grabbing diet coke and cookies) with another—listening to my tapes or going for a short walk and having some quiet time in my busy day. I log into My Fitness Pal every day. I absolutely have to keep track of my calories—some foods I had no idea were so high in calories, and others had little nutritional value. Though I am still learning and fine tuning my diet, I continue to find healthy alternatives—even for dessert! I am also drinking Shakeology which helps to curb my sweet tooth and give me a boost in the early afternoon. If I ran into a road block Dr. Laura was there to help me problem-solve and provide support. Even though our group is over, she continues to check in with me and helps me stay accountable with her other groups and challenges. I always feel that I can reach out to her or other group members for help and advice. It’s now almost 3 months from starting this journey. I’m down 14 pounds, but even more important I feel like the old me. Yes, I’m still busy; however, I feel like I’m accomplishing more and have a more positive outlook. I spend more time with my family and I get in a great workout most days of the week. This isn’t a quick fix-it’s a life changer. I can’t thank Dr. Laura enough for giving me my life back."

Karen Mikols Bandemer

Happy Hour Intro Group

  • This group is for veterinarians and veterinary team members. Please indicate your position above.